Back to the Library!

Welcome back to evrybody, Summer is over and it's time to turn back to study and work.
First I want to apologize for my long abscence from this blog: there were many news to post, but very little time to do it!
Anyway, the new academic year is about to start and, as all the years, this is the right period to make good proposals for the Library. I want to share with you only some of the projects on which me and my colleagues will work during this year:

  • the new Library webpage: it's time to move on, our website is now obsolete and no longer able to reflect our reality... a very good chance for us to rethink the Library website!! More information better organized, with a bit of interactivity: this should be the perfect mix;
  • the new catalogue: we are waiting for the final approval from ICCU (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico) to begin implementing the new integrated library system Sebina. The work will be hard, but you will have one of the best OPAC on the market;
  • a Facebook profile: nothing to say, we need it, we think Facebook is the best place where communicate with all our users (internal, external, alumni, etc..)
If you have requests or suggestions regarding these projects, please let us know. We would be very happy for your cooperation!

Have a nice week!
