A new catalogue for IMT e-resources

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In January the Library changed the electronic resources catalogue and started to use Summon.

I still not had the chance to introduce it to you because it was a sudden decision, but this morning I finally had my first training session for the implementation of the catalogue and I started to upload our electronic resources to populate the catalogue.

I hope to be able to upload all our electronic journals in the next days.
Serials Solutions support team is working on the implementation of our institutional repositories (e-prints and e-theses).
The next and final step will be the implementation of our Library catalogue, so that you will have a unique search box for all the library holdings: books, journals, databases and e-books.

Summon has a very simple and friendly interface, with the possibility to use the basic search box or the advanced search.

It's possible to filter the results list with a lot of facets and  see the detailed record with the abstract (where available) on the right side of the screen.

The citation manager is a very nice feature: for each record you can choose the citation format you prefere to export, print or email.

Even remote access is easier with Summon: you just have to follow the instruction for remote access in our Library web page and you do not need any other username or password.

The change of the catalogue has been a very difficult choice, we hope we've made the best.

Please contact me for every problem or just to send me a feedback!

IMT Summon catalogue

