U-Multirank is one of the many world university rankings published on the Internet in the last years and is focused on the needs of students: they
can compare universities or receive some tips on where is better to study a
specific subject.
U-Multirank is developed and implemented on the initiative
of the European Commission by an independent consortium led by the Centre for
Higher Education (CHE) in Germany, the Center for Higher Education Policy
Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente and the Centre for Science and
Technology Studies (CWTS) from Leiden University, both in the Netherlands
U-Multirank currently includes more than 1,300 universities
from more than 90 countries around the world. Around 57% of these institutions
are from Europe, 16% from North America, 18% from Asia and 9% from Oceania,
Latin America and Africa.
Subject categories covered in 20146 by U-Multirank are: electrical and
mechanical engineering, business studies, physics, psychology, computer
science, medicine, biology, chemistry, mathematics, history, sociology and
social work/welfare.
For each university, U-Multirank provides data on the
following indicators: Teaching and Learning, Research, Knowledge transfer,
International Orientation, Regional Engagement.
Data are collected through questionnaires filled out by
universities and students.
Bibliometric and patent data are retrieved from Web
of Sciences, PATSTAT, EPO (European Patent Office) and USPTO (United States
Patent and Trademark Office).
U-Multirank has a very nice data
This is a graphical representation of data relating to IMT showing
very high results in Reserch, Knowledge Transfer and International Orientation. IMT data relate only to Computer Science.
We are at first place (in the ranking for smaller university
founded post 1980 in Europe) for “Citation rate” and “Top cited publications”, but we
obtained a very high score (A) also for “Research publications” (The number of
research publications where at least one author is affiliated to the university),
“Co-publications with industrial partners” and “International joint
Other famous ranking available on Internet are:
- QS Top Universities
- World University Rankings
- Shanghai Ranking
- Ranking Web of Uniersities (where IMT appears in the Repositories ranking at 39° with our e-prints repository and 41° position with E-theses, whithin Italian Universities).
Each ranking has its own methodology and could be used
different indicators.